Is Sophia Stewart the actual creator of the Terminator and the Matrix?!


Is Sophia Steward the actual creator of the Terminator and the Matrix? You decide. Take a look at the videos and article (below) that go for and against this claim.


Sophia Stewart 2017 The Matrix 4 and “The Third Eye” (1 of 2) – Sophia Stewart 2017 at a closed event at the Los Angeles Studio Center, talks about “The Matrix 4”, “The Terminator” movies, and her original book “The Third Eye” published back in 1981 which delivered the stories for those billion dollar block buster movies.

Part two goes pretty deep. It actually ties in a fair bit with the One Light books.

Sophia Stewart 2017 “The Matrix 4”, Terminator and “The Third Eye” (2 of 2) – Sophia Stewart 2017 at a closed event at the Los Angeles Studio Center, talks about “The Matrix 4”, “The Terminator” movies, and her original book “The Third Eye” published back in 1981 which delivered the stories for those billion dollar block buster movies.


Is Sophia Stewart really the “Mother of the Matrix”? 💛💛💛

I met Sophia Stewart in summer 1999 or 2000, I’m not sure. She was a total wreck and cried while she told me how her story was stolen. It was just like the movie, “The Secret Garden”. “You Stole My Story!”

Read this article entitled Urban Legends Busted: Sophia Stewart claiming that she is not the creator of the Terminator and the Matrix.

What are your thoughts?

P.S: There are loads more articles and videos on the Internet you can check out that are for and against this claim.