Site icon Making You Aware

How self-actualized are you?

Physical Needs:
I am acutely aware of my health needs and take care of them.
I know what my nutritional intake is on a daily basis.
I am physically fit enough to run a mile
I do not worry about lifting heavy things

I do not have to worry about my safety.
I can handle myself in a fight.
I have a steady grasp on my finances
I have a budget
My relationships treat me well

Love and Belonging:
I feel loved
I have a close, intimate relationship
I have a best friend
I’m in a community that takes care of me
I feel connected to my relationships
I like my community

I feel good about myself
I’m not worried about how other people see me
I don’t need other people’s respect
I’m able to be alone and still happy.
I am confident I am able to get things done without others helping me
I know I can survive in a serious crisis

22: Perfection! You are self-actualized!
19-21: You are definitely a higher functioning individual
15-18: You are a very capable individual
10-14: There is lots of room for you to grow
5-9: You have a lot of unmet needs
0-5: Your needs are seriously neglected

See other peoples current scores here.

Test is taken from:

Meet Maslow: How Understanding the Priorities of Those Around Us Can Lead To Harmony And Improvement by Landon T. Smith

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