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101 ways to look and feel better

    Look no further! For these are the 101 quintessential ways to look and feel better.

    Here we go…

    1- Eat correctly for your metabolic type

    2- Drink the correct amount of water for your body weight

    3- Improve your posture (if needed)

    4- Eat more organic food

    5- Vary your workouts every 4-6 weeks

    6- Buy and use the How to Eat, Move and be Healthy book

    7- Build a well-proportioned body

    8- Mainly train (intelligently) with dumbbells and barbells (for a more aesthetic looking body)

    9- Reduce all stresses on the body

    10- Get a massage and use the Thera Cane

    11- Try and get into bed on time, most of the time. So by 10-10.30pm.

    12- Get checked over for any fungus and/or parasite infections in your body

    13- Do some meditation/work-in exercises

    14- Set goals

    15- Guys: Get under 8-10% body fat

    16- Girls: Get under 13-16% body fat

    17- Stop using diets

    18- Avoid white sugar, flour and salt

    19- Use Saladmaster cookware as much as possible

    20- Learn from Paul Chek

    21- Do some rhythmical exercises like swimming, long walks or cycling

    22- Swap between intensification workouts (heavy weights/low sets), and accumulation workouts (lighter weights/higher reps) every few weeks or so.

    23- Don’t abuse cardiovascular exercise

    24- Get checked for any food intolerances

    25- Don’t use fat burners

    26- Don’t use cheap protein powders

    27- Focus on power lifts like squats, deadlifts and power cleans to get an impressive, powerful-looking body

    28- Avoid processed foods

    29- Don’t burn your adrenals out

    30- Don’t party too hard, too often

    31- Avoid reading papers and watching the news

    32- Become more open-minded

    33- Learn from individuals who walk the talk

    34- Don’t learn about looking and feeling good from individuals who look bad!

    35- Vary your exercises regularly, but remember: Consistency comes before variety!

    36- Vary your foods as much as possible

    37- Do a detox

    38- Use clean, organic body care products as much as possible

    39- Use the steam room

    40- Use the sauna

    41- Use the Jacuzzi/take a warm bath with oils and salts

    42- Improve your digestion

    43- Question your beliefs, religion and philosophies

    44- Think outside of the box

    45- Get plenty of sex!

    46- Manage your emotions

    47- Study self-development materials

    48- Keep your muscles loose and supple

    49- Become a go-giver

    50- Become focused

    51- Learn to love yourself

    52- Be coached by a competent health and fitness professional

    53- Take a holiday

    54- Stop buying trashy diet and lifestyle magazines

    55- Only become a vegetarian when your body is ready for it

    56- Don’t follow the food pyramid

    57- Eat plenty of good fats

    58- Read real books on health

    59- Use additional exercise tools like kettle bells, TRX and swiss balls to vary your training, but remember that they won’t build a body like barbell and dumbbell work will. Just look at any good bodybuilder or power athlete (like a sprinter).

    60- Eat regularly to keep your blood sugar levels stable

    61- Always work on bringing up your weaker body parts first within your training plan.

    62- Use a training log book/diary

    63- Use good organic supplements to support your body

    64- Read my top 8 health tips

    65- Get familiar with a power rack

    66- Get out of pain

    67- Get to the level of health where you don’t know you have a body

    68- Choose a good role model

    69- Support organic farming

    70- Go with the 80/20 rule – 80% of your time be healthy and the other 20% of your time be not so healthy (like on the weekends).

    71- Learn about real nutrition

    72- Learn the correct exercise form and technique

    73- Learn what types of exercises are right for you (and your training goals)

    74- Hang around with like-minded individuals most of your time

    75- Improve your confidence

    76- Improve your immune system

    77- Improve athletic performance

    78- Achieve and maintain your ideal weight

    79- Eliminate any sugar cravings

    80- Overcome indigestion, fatigue, and allergies

    81- Work from a list of priorities

    82- Constantly try to improve yourself physically and mentally

    83- Become more productive

    84- Improve your memory

    85- Improve your awareness

    86- Improve your concentration

    87- Improve your left / right brain thinking ability

    88- Improve your productivity

    89- Improve your creativity

    90- Use your time wisely as much as possible

    91- Share what you know for the betterment of others

    92- Improve your breathing

    93- Prioritize what you need to learn

    94- Learn how to learn

    95 – Take responsibility for everything in your life

    96- Create your own reality with your thoughts

    97- Give away things for free

    98- Do something charitable

    99- Do a health analysis on your body to see where it’s at health-wise

    100- Be in the “power of now” as much as possible

    101- Do what you enjoy doing most of the time!

    P.S. please share this list! 

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