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Use the Kleem chant to help you attract “anyone” or anything you like for that matter

If you are someone who is curious and open-minded enough to try new things, then have a go at the Kleem chant. It basically works by “firing” up the heart Chakra, which is connected with attraction and love, and sending that vibration out into the Universe, where Universal Intelligence (prana) will put the forces in motion to reward you.

How to do it? (These instructions have been taken from this website.)

“First, sit in a comfortable posture and close your eyes and start with the 4-2-5 breathing system. Those who have to any ashrams in India have experienced this type of method of cleaning the human mind and body toxics . So you inhale taking as long as 4 seconds, keep the air inside your body for about 2 seconds such that it circulates and gathers all the toxins, and then take as long as 5 seconds to exhale sending out the toxins. This have been proved in many scientific studies that this sort of breathing expels as much as fifteen times more toxins out of the body. It is no wonder then that ancient Indian sages lived in good health and vitality for hundreds of years!

Second, as you continue to breathe this way, clear your mind like  all doubts, anxieties and thoughts in your brain. One effective way that I find is to take any thought that arises and put it in a bubble and watch it float away. Do not engage with the thought – put it in a bubble and watch it float away.

Third, focus on the area  center between your eyes on the forehead. This is the so-called third eye and also the home of the powerful Ajna chakra, the second most powerful energy center in your body. Now chant the Kleeem mantra.

Kleeeeeeem. Kleeeeeeem. Kleeeeeeem. Kleeeeeeem.

If you notice, the correct intonation of the Kleem mantra is “Kleeeeeeem”. The mantra is chanted as you exhale and you should spread the middle part of the mantra as long as for 5 seconds (the amount of time it takes you to exhale in the 4-2-5 breathing system).” –

Dr. Baskaran Pillai says you can chant it out loud or internally:

Use this Kleem sound video to help you get started:

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