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Eight top health tips

Take a look at these eight top health tips for better health, body shape, skin, recovery from exercise and sex. Funnily enough, a lot of people are completely unaware that health (not fitness) is the ultimate factor on our sexual performance.

Tip 1- Drink the correct type and amount of water

It is essential to drink pure water. We would only last a few days without it. Being dehydrated by only 5% can be critical to your health. Also, the quality of the water you drink will have an effect on your ability to think, digest food, detox and move effectively, so ideally drink bottled water. The best ones to drink include: Evian, Vital, Highland Spring and Fiji or use a top quality water filter in your home if you can get one. The right amount of water to drink is dependent on your body weight.

To work out the amount of water you need to drink on a daily basis in litres based on your body weight in kilos, multiply your weight in kg x 0.033.

eg. for someone who weighs 80kg: 80kg x0.033 = 2.64 litres of pure water a day (minimum)

If the day has been hot and you have been sweating a lot during the day, or you drank a lot of alcohol the night before, had a stomach bug or lost a lot of fluids another way, then you will need more than your minimum amount per day.

Tip 2- Get your hands on the best quality food as much as possible

Feeding your body with the best quality foods as much as possible is critical when it comes to your overall well-being and improving your body shape.

Below is a list of the best types of foods to get your hands on, numbered from 1 (the best) to 7 (the worst).

1- Wild crafted

2- Organic / free range / raw / locally farmed

3- Organic not locally farmed

4- Locally farmed food

5- Free range / non organic

6- Frozen fresh (eg vegetables)

7- Processed (eg tinned, packaged, preservatives added)

Tip 3- Eat right for you

Eating good quality food is great, but you also need to eat right for you. In other words, eat according to your genetic and ethnic background. You can find this out by a process called Metabolic Typing®. In short there a three types of people. They are a protein type, a carbohydrate type and a mixed type. If a protein types eats like a carbohydrate type it will make that personal feel unwell, sluggish, hyper, tired and can cause mental fog and much more. So it is a good idea to find out what your metabolic type is.

Tip 4- Get enough sleep

We all know what it feels like to not have enough sleep – all you want to do is get back into bed and nod off again. Not only does having little sleep lower your ability to think, it has many negative health effects on the body as a whole. As a rule of thumb we should be asleep by 10 to 10.30pm in a quiet, pitch black room, with a window open for fresh air and all electrical equipment switched off (if possible) and at least three feet away from us. We should wake up around 6.30am if we are getting to bed by 10.00pm. But this can vary from one person to the next, depending on lifestyle factors.

Tip 5- Reduce your external stress levels

Controlling your external stress levels can be tricky to do, as you cannot control everything outside of yourself. Sometimes, however, you can choose what to do, like deciding to hang around with like-minded people, keeping away from negative people, not driving in busy traffic all the time, setting goals, leaving a job you don’t want to be in and doing what you want in life. Too many external stresses will raise your stress hormone levels. Raising them too much can often lead to things like adrenal fatigue, headaches, digestive disorders, poor sleep, immune suppression, weight gain and illnesses. Meditation, taking baths, listening to relaxing music, going for walks, having massages, being in the right job or business, hanging around like-minded people etc will help to lower these external stress levels.

Tip 6- Get adequate movement/exercise for you

Getting the correct amount of exercise is vital for a healthy body. It helps to pump toxins out of the body, aids digestion, elevates the rate that you burn calories, keeps your body-fat low, makes you stronger, makes you feel better, improves your confidence and much, much more. The difference between a movement and an exercise is that a movement is only performed once, and an exercise is performed several times, normally known as repetitions. But you must understand that exercise is another form of stress on the body – it’s a positive one, but too much of it will break your body down. Keep in mind that if your body is already under a lot of stress from not eating well, not getting enough sleep, having too many external stresses or having an infection of some sort, this will put a limiting factor on how much and how hard you can exercise. In short, the healthier you are the harder you can push in the gym.

Also remember the body is a biological computer that is easily programmed to either function well or badly from doing exercise. This is why we follow an exercise program. It doesn’t matter if it’s written down or in your head, you’re still programming your body in a certain way. Just like a computer programmer types in certain codes (the cause) into a piece of software to make it function  in a certain way (the effect), it’s the same as repeating a certain movement over and over again in the gym. If the movement is done badly then the result is bad i.e. an injury, poor movement or poor posture. So learn to use correct exercise techniques and program designs – this is when a good personal trainer can really help you!

Tip 7- Use good supplementation and healing aids to help support your body and mind

Our products are some of the best you can buy and cannot be bought in stores. We supply the finest organic / wild crafted herbal and vitamin supplements, oils, creams and powders to support the body. Having personally used them on myself to keep my body as healthy as possible, I highly recommend using them alongside the first 6 steps. They are a great way to kick-start your body into becoming and staying healthier.

Tip 8- Get a physiology check up eg. hormones, fungi, parasites, nutritional deficiencies

It’s a good idea to have your physiology checked over for any problems like hormone imbalances, parasite infections, toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, food intolerances, digestive disorders or bodily infections. If you do feel unwell a lot of the time even when you have used the first 7 steps, you should go and see an acreditted, highly trained natural health care practitioner for a check up. There are many out there who can help you. Luckily, I personally know a few who can! When I work with my clients I always give them the list. It is an absolute essential to improving your overall health and well-being.


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